My name is
Jawad Amin
and the projects done by me are given below

A showcase of my projects and demonstration of my quirks and abilities.
and the projects done by me are given below
This project is built using
Reactjs,Nodejs,react-js,npm,javascript,html,CSS,react-bootstrap(grid+icons),covid API,Google map API
This was done with the basic understanding of Laravel.
Aside from laravel framework here i used raw php and html in backend,CSS for designing,MySQL as DBMS and also took help from npm and composer library
This is an old AI project done on windows-7 which was inspired from seeing the 1st ironman movie.
Here i used Mark2(experimental software developed by MIT undergrads),Eventghost macros to pass commands to operators(Ex- windows media player,photo viewer etc) and rainmeter as fontend
Tried editing some ingame frag movies(csgo to be specific) using Sony Vegas-pro.
All rights reserved.